The League of Women Voters promotes political responsibility and active participation in the affairs of government. The League observes, monitors, studies, discusses, educates, lobbies and testifies on issues of local, state and national import. Join us for a satisfying experience as part of a unique volunteer, nonpartisan, grassroots and multi-issue organization whose goals and objectives are to MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK. If you are a resident of Caroline, Dorchester, or Talbot County on Maryland's Eastern Shore, this is the League for you!
Joining the League/Renewing your membership
We are currently updating our website to be able to accept new members and renewing members online. For now, those people interested in joining our league may print out and send in the attached form with your annual dues.
If you are a current member or former member of our League, you may print out and mail in the attached form with your annual dues. We will let you know when our new, online renewal capability will be available!
Please consider making an additional donation to support the League’s local work. Remember that the $50 dues include the membership dues of the state League of Women Voters (LWVMD) and the national League of Women Voters leaving less than $5 for the League of Women Voters of the Mid-Shore.
In addition, a tax-deductible contribution may be made to the League of Women Voters of Maryland Education Fund (LWVMDEF) for our use. Simply make your check out to the LWVMD Education Fund and put our name (Mid-Shore LWV or LWVMS) on the memo line of your check so these contributions will be earmarked for our local League’s educational efforts, including publication of the Voters' Guide.
Of course, the basic dues are all that is necessary, and your continued participation is most welcome.
Suggestions for potential members
As you know, the League of Women Voters of the Mid-Shore is actively working to insure citizen awareness of and involvement in issues that affect our three counties, the state, and the nation. If you know of others who might like the opportunity to work with the League, please send their names and email addresses to [email protected] or to Mid-Shore LWV, P.O. Box 1724, Easton MD 21601. An invitation letter will be sent to potential members.
Thank you,
Membership Chair
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